Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a sad day in the supper club world. ABC 7's food critic, James Ward, passed away yesterday. Let's make sure to toast him at our next dinner.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Find A Seat- Upstairs or Toilet?

Hello Clubbers--I am so glad that we made a reservations at the "BC House" on Saturday night-it was hoppin'! WHEW! We were almost banned to the upstairs or the awesome bathroom! It was so fun despite the scenery of china and ceramic cats and bells....I just want to say that suppa club makes life so is something that I look forward to like a vacation! I do think the appetizers were some of the tiniest pieces of food I have ever seen! My rating- Circuses- 5 Bread- 4 Thanks again to the Perrin residence for supplying us with AWESOME drinks and snackies! Love to the SuppaClub! Ronda

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SuppaClub is Always Thinking of Each Other

Lo, and behold, come Tuesday morning, a present arrived bearing this note, "Enjoy a nice Poo while watching your kids in the yard. Isn't she pretty?" Well, "pretty" is an understatement. Thus, we beautified her up, and she is now adorning our frontyard landscape. Thanks for the gift, Mark! Hopefully, we can return the favor for all your kindness and thoughtfulness. Maybe a present within a present. Hmmm...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We're So Proud Of Our Little Girl!

One-sixth of SuppaClub ran quite the half marathon today. Nikki (left) was all smiles at mile marker 3. And such the girls to stop and pose!

Yet, as Ronda & Amy greeted our girl with super signs at the 10 mile mark, grins were turned to looks of "How dare you tell me to run!" and "Yeah right, almost there. I can do it, sure. You get out here and do this!"

Ronda and I decided that we would leave the running for others in the church, and we would head the cheerleading squad. "Go Faith!" "Go World Vision!"

Nikki, you are one heck of a girl! So dedicated to the training and the cause. We are proud of you! And your kids should be too! What a Mom! You are awesome!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm not doing so hot on the blogging am I Amy? I thought you added twitter (?) to the blog. How do you do that?

Suppa Club rocks,


By the way-we had such a fun time Friday! Whitey and Mark could have perked up a little earlier than Crystal's garage, but that's okay they can redeem themselves next time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Don't forget Cooper's Hawk.